Love is a beautiful thing and when you find it, be sure to grab it! Well, gospel singer Mr Seed is a man who knows a thing or two about love.

From what we know is that he has been together with his fiancé for years now and just like most relationships; they have had their ups and downs.
Nimo dumps Mr Seed
The couple revealed this through their YouTube show where they opened up about how they met.
At some point Nimo asked Seed how he knew he was in love with her and for the very first time; Mr Seed appears sensitive as he reveals how heart broken he felt after Nimo dumped him.
Tulianza kudate, tukadate two three months,ukanidump, Nakumbuka ulinudump tukiwa kasarani juu ya Ghorofa, and I was like I was going to die, nikaenda ivi nikataka kujiua, then akaniongelesha nisijirushe. Then after hata kuacha kujiuwa bado ukanidump sasa vizuri atai huwezi ukakaa na mtu anataka kucommitt suicide. Nikaenda home nikajifungia ni kazima simu. After a while nikapost Instagram “Who wants to be my Valentines” ukakomment hapo sijui nini nini, but alfu ukarudi na ukafall in love hate kunipita
Baby Gold
Despite the many challenges, the couple has since been blessed with a handsome baby boy who takes after his dad.
Mr Seed and Nimo also continue to be among the top celebrity couple in the country even after their dispute with the Bahati’s!