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MP Reveals Details of Son’s Last Message Before Suicide

Bomet East MP Beatrice Kones, on Saturday, revealed that her son, Collins Kipyegon Kalya, sent her a message before taking his own life while she was away in South Africa attending the Pan African parliament.

Kipyegon, the third born of former Minister Kipkalya Kones and Beatrice, died last week at War Memorial Hospital in Nakuru.

“He sent me a message stating, he was taking his life and I should take care of his children. The action was unwarranted as he did not lack anything,” explained Mrs Kones.

She added, “Kipyegon was my son, my driver and partner in farming enterprise. He was the only apolitical member of the family.”

The late Collins Kipyegon

Mrs. Kones further revealed that it was alarming that the youth of today could not cope with life and hence the increased number of suicides in the country.

“Counseling centers should be set up in every ward in the country to assist youth and the professional counselors should visit schools,” remarked Mrs Jones.
She was speaking during the funeral of her son.

Deputy President William Ruto and a host of other leaders condoled with the family. In a message delivered to the family through Energy CS Charles Keter, Ruto described Kipyegon as ‘hardworking and independent minded youth’.

“I learnt with great sadness the passing on of Kipyegon and I know how unexpected the death of a loved one adds to the grief.

“The deceased wanted to make a difference for himself, his family and community through farming and was a role model to youths engaged in agricultural sector,” the DP explained

Among those who attended the funeral included Bomet Governor Joyce Laboso, former Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto, Senate Majority Leader Kipchumba Murkomen and several MPs.

Kipyegon leaves behind a widow Miriam Chelangat and three sons.

The body of the deceased was buried at Kaporuso village in Bomet East sub county.

Bomet East MP Beatrice Kones
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