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Meet Fatuma Hirsi,The Sexiest PS Who President Uhuru Has Sacked Twice

Information Ministry Principal Secretary Fatuma Hirsi was among cabinet members who were affected by the Cabinet Reshuffle announced on Friday.

However, unlike her colleagues, this is her second time being relieved of her duties.

In an executive decision given by President Uhuru Kenyatta stated that Hirsi will no longer serve in her capacity as Broadcast PS.

“In accordance with Article 155 of the Constitution, the appointment of MRS.FATUMA HIRSI, as a Principal Secretary has been vacated,” the President noted.

In June last year, the PS was sacked from the Tourism Ministry.

At the time, the letter which was signed from the then Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua stated: “Your employment contract has been terminated forthwith. You will be paid your salary up to June 30, which will be your last working day.”

However, soon after her dismissal, Fatuma was appointed to replace Sammy Itemere as the PS in charge of Telecommunications and Broadcasting.

Before the sacking in June, 2018, Hirsi served as PS in the Tourism Ministry but made the comeback in the Broadcasting and Telecommunication docket a month later.

During her stay in the tourism ministry, Hirsi was honored by 2 international bodies, the Pacific Area Travel Writers Association (PATWA) and the Institute of South Asian Women (ISAW) for reforms credited with growing the country’s tourists’ numbers and higher revenues.

Mrs Mohamed has also served as an international Civil Servant working for the Universal Postal Union, a specialized agency of the United Nations established as an impartial international organization within which Governments and the private sector could advance the operation and development of Postal services.

She is said to have a wide experience in strategic implementation and governance of business through marketing, public relations, communications, community and stakeholder relation building, Corporate Social Responsibility and media engagement.

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