TV presenter Betty Kyalo celebrated her 30th birthday on Friday and in her usual grandiose style, she decided to mark the day by making her weekend news show about her.
Instead of interviewing a personality for her Up Close segment of her Weekend with Betty show, she turned the tables around and was the subject of the interview with comedian Jalang’o as the interviewer.

Betty shared many aspects of her life including working at K24 and owning her business Flair by Betty, but one of the most interesting bits was when Jalang’o asked her mum what she disliked most about her daughter and she made reference to a bad decision Betty made despite being warned to stay clear of it and then it ended up not working out.
She said, “Nilimwarn sometime back but she didn’t listen and vitu zilikuja kuharibika.”
Betty at that point appeared sheepish and covered her face with her weave in embarrassment.
It got us wondering: what was Mama Betty referring to? Here are possible scenarios:
- Dennis Okari: Could it be her decision to marry fellow journalist Dennis Okari despite her saying in a previous interview that he stood her up during the day of their traditional wedding? During an interview with True Love magazine, Betty said she waited in vain for Okari and could not reach him on phone on their special day. Well, things ‘haribikad’ because despite soldiering on with the white wedding, it lasted barely 6 months.
- Politician: Betty dated a top politician for a while but it didn’t work out and she said in her True Love interview that he wanted more of a stay at home woman and she had no intention of abandoning her career.
- Susan Keitany: Betty had teamed up with Susan to open top beauty salon Posh Palace. Betty had called her co-boss her bestie but shortly after, the two fell out in an ugly manner with cops being involved! And Betty left and opened a salon right opposite Posh Palace. Sema vitu kuharibika.
Those are just the scenarios that have played out in the public. Who knows whether Mama Betty was talking about something/someone else.
Regardless, we send Betty birthday wishes as she enters the 3rd floor.