Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho on Monday revealed how a timely intervention by Kisii County Senator Prof Samson Kegengo Ongeri saved his mother.
The Devolution and Inter-Governmental Committee chairman John Kinyua (Laikipia) had just introduced Ongeri as his senior despite being a junior at the committee ranks.
"Let me put it clear so that you don't doubt. I am the chair of this committee but at the university when I was studying Pharmacy, he was my teacher," Kinyua clarified.
Joho seized the moment and asked the Chairman of the committee to allow him have audience with Ongeri.
"Mr chair, I want to confirm your sentiments on the seniority of Professor Sam Ongeri. All of us somehow have benefited from his handwork in our republic and I have a personal experience," he began.
A seemingly emotional Joho went on to narrate how Ongeri saved his ailing mother on a Dubai bound flight.
"I have never been able to thank him enough. Senator and I were once travelling to a foreign country, my mother fell ill onboard 4 hours after take off.
"We had nowhere to turn to but Senator Ongeri quickly came through for us. He looked after mother until we finally landed in Dubai where I sent her to the hospital.
"Senator I have never been able to thank you enough, I always pray for you. I want to confirm Senator Ongeri's seniority both in public service and at personal level," the Mombasa County boss concluded.

Joho and Mombasa County Speaker Aharub Khatri were appearing before the Senate's Committee on Devolution for deliberations on resolving the feud between him and the MCAs.
The Devolution Committee sought to aid in unearthing the cause of friction between the Mombasa County leadership and the MCAs and offer the best remedy.
Joho had in the past threatened to instigate the removal of some of the MCAs whom he has described as ‘rebellious’ and enemies of progress.
On the other hand, the MCAs have been continually questioning Joho's leadership style accusing him of dwelling too much on side-shows and failing to deliver on the promises he made to Mombasa residents.
In his defense, Joho dismissed the claims and termed them as a pure witch-hunt by the MCAs.