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Hassan Joho reveals why he has kept his family away from the public

Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho revealed a lot about his life a few days ago.
Things that we were not aware of when it comes to his family, lifestyle and work.
All that we see about Joho is his battles with government and the many liaisons that make headlines on blogs.
But what do you except, he is a fine man.
So is Joho a married man?
Does he have children?
Well, surprisingly the answer is “Yes!”.
But where are they? We have never seen them yet he is very active on social media.
According to the Governor in an interview with Lilian Muli, he keeps his family away from the public because his family has nothing to do with his job.

He became known to the country out of his job and his lifestyle. His family has nothing to do with that so he lets it stay that way. Unknown to the public.
He revealed, “I am the one to serve my people and not my family and therefore, family will remain family. Basically, I would say I’m a family member of many of my constituents in County of Mombasa. Family will stay away from politics.”
In that same interview, he also shocked his fans by revealing that he made his first million cheque at the age of 20. Not ksh1 million but ksh6.6 million.
Joho said this when making it clear that he is not involved in drug trafficking. He made that much money that changed his life out of a “clearing and forwarding job”.

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