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Government issues notice to owners of sex toys & Viagra left at the airport

A file photo of Eldoret International airport

The government, through the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has issued notice to owners of sex toys, enhancement creams, and Viagra pills that were left abandoned at the Eldoret International Airport.

In a gazette notice published on Friday last week, the owners of the imported goods were given thirty days to claim them, failure to which they would be destroyed.

KRA chief manager-in-charge of Rift Valley Simon Luseno said the taxman was in possession of 6,000 tablets of the enhancement pill Vigrx Plus, 35 pieces of Viagra (50mg), nine pieces of Cialis 20mg, Magic Chocolate Vimax, pornographic materials, artificial male organs, vibrator and arousal cream all imported via Eldoret International Airport.

The assorted goods were said to have been headed to Nakuru but stalled after the owners failed to collect them and clear their due custom duty.

KRA Commissioner-General John Njiraini (twitter)

April 17 2019

“Notice is given that unless the under-mentioned goods are entered and removed from the custody of the Customs Warehouse Keeper, Eldoret and Nakuru within thirty (30) days of this notice, they will be treated as abandoned and will be disposed of by crushing on April 17, 2019," said the KRA boss.

The gazette notice also indicated that a Toyota Carina, registered in Uganda and said to be owned by an MP from Nakuru County faced crushing unless evidence is shown that duty was paid for the vehicle to operate on Kenyan soil.
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