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Details of high profile appointment of Citizen TV journalist by Echesa minutes before he was fired

Former Sports and Heritage Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa

Details have emerged of the high profile appointment of Citizen TV Sports Editor Mike Okinyi by former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa, before he was fired.

In a Gazette Notice, Echesa appointed Okinyi the Media, Broadcasting and Communication Director for the 2020 World Under-20 Athletics Championships.

In the appointment, the Citizen TV journalist will be deputized by Sports Journalists’ Association of Kenya (SJAK) President Chris Mbaisi.

Details of high profile appointment of Citizen TV journalist Mike okinyi by Echesa minutes before he was fired

The appointment came after Kenya successfully bid to be hosts to the 2020 International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) World Under 20 Championships.

Here is the list of IAAF WU20 Organizing Committee Members:

Chairman – Gen. Jackson Tuwei

Chief Executive Officer – Michael Agwingi Rabar

Assistant, Chief Executive Officer – Mary Mwaki

Chief Operations Officer – Regina Gachora

Director of Ticket Operations and Knowledge Management – Barnabas Korir

Assistant Director of Ticket Operations and Knowledge management – Maxwell Nyamu

Director, Finance and Administration – Farrah Kasim

Assistant Director, Finance and Administration – David Miano

Director, Legal – Emmanuel K. Gichohi

Assistant Director, Legal – Christine Mangwana

Director of ICT – Gatwiri Kinya

Assistant Director, ICT – Hesbon Malwenyi

Director, Security and Accreditation – Joseph Kiget

Assistant Director, Security and accreditation – Joseph Chirchir

Director, Protocol – Colonel Matigo Marwanga

Assistant Director, Protocol – Susan Kamau

Director, Technical and Competition – Ibrahim Hussein

Assistant Director, Technical and Competition – Paul Mutwii

Director, Marketing and Commercial – Zaheeda Suleiman

Assistant Director, Marketing and Commercial – Robert Nyanga’aya

Director, Media, Broadcasting and Communication – Michael Okinyi

Assistant Director, Media, Broadcasting and Communication – Chris Mbaisi

Director, Transport – Charles Welangai

Assistant Director, Transport – Vincent Kaduki

Director, Logistics – Douglas Wakihuri

Assistant Director, Logistics – Mohamed Bashir Ibrahim

Director, Medical and Ant-Doping – Dr. Jared Nyakiba

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