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‘My lungs collapsed for the 19th time but God has kept me,’ Jahmby Koikai

Jahmby Koikai

Jahmby Koikai has narrated how her battle with endometriosis has seen her lungs collapse for the 19th time something that continues to cause her anguish.

Koikai has been battling the ailment for over 15 years and it has not been an easy journey but she is thankful that God has seen her through it all.

“I’m Njambi Koikai: I’m an Endo Conqueror. Fighter. Warrior. I have shared my story many times before and I’m always living to tell a new one.

I battled thoracic endometriosis for over 15 years, which started with painful periods getting worse and worse, followed by lung collapses.

Jahmby Koikai

Years of misdiagnosis led to me to search further for the cause of my pain,That is how I discovered the Center for Endometriosis Care in Atlanta where I received my life saving surgery.”

She adds that a few weeks ago, her lungs failed for the 19th time.

“The cost of treatment was prohibitive meaning I had to fundraise since I had no employment nor insurance I was categorized as one of the worst cases of endometriosis ever seen.

Two weeks ago, I sadly had another lung collapse, making it 19 surgeries over the last 19 years.

I have survived to date thanks to God and your support has been crucial. Please join me in my efforts in trying to raise awareness world-wide so that other women may be able to get help too.”

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