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‘I miss being with someone and I can’t wait to settle down’ – Betty Kyallo

betty kyalloBetty Kyallo has revealed that she and Dennis Okari do not talk at all not even about issues concerning their daughter Ivanna.

In a candid interview seen by Classic 105, Betty says

“Do I really want to talk about that…? No! No! See, I don’t want to discuss that as it is still a very sensitive family issue.

It’s been some time now, the way people out there paint pictures might not be the truth.
People might think we talk when we probably don’t talk. He might be there for us or not be there for us. That Is all I can say.”

She adds

“I am a single parent and as you know parenting comes with alot of ties. You have to be a dad and mum at the same time.

I miss being with someone and I can’t wait to settle down again. In fact my mum keeps on asking when I will wear my next wedding gown.

She wants me to bring a man home.”
Betty has been trolled ever since Dennis Okari walked down the aisle with his bride, Naomi Joy.

Addressing trolls, Betty  in a past interview with the Star said that she stopped being angry at haters given most of them don’t know what people go through.

“I stopped being angry at haters because everybody is dealing with some sort of things in their lives. There’s no one who’s perfect even me.

betty-kyallo and her daughter

People look at me and say, ‘Betty I want to be happy like you!’ but they don’t know the struggles we go through.

Even the richest of the richest is struggling with something and therefore I just decide to ignore trolls.”

Betty Kyallo

She continued

“When I see something positive I react to it and take it in but anything that’s negative, supposed to downgrade me or demoralize me I feel zero.

It doesn’t get to me. I don’t believe in hating other people.”

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