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Why women should never forgive their cheating men

Ever since word got out that rapper and business mogul, Jay Z stepped out on his wife, songstress Beyoncé, and she forgave him, people, especially men, on social media have been going on and on about how women should be quick to forgive men for cheating.
Apparently, if beautiful, sexy, rich and talented superstar Beyoncé can forgive a man for cheating, who are we mere mortals?
These men have maintained that the Jay Z and Beyoncé instance is proof that women err when they dump their cheating husbands and boyfriends and that women should not leave a ‘good’ man just because of some little ‘harmless’ cheating.
Now, I have got nothing but love for Beyoncé and I think she is an amazing woman. However, I disagree with two things. One, I disagree with the notion that she is some type of a yardstick by which the rest of us women should be measured.
While there is no denying that she is an incredible woman, I don’t see how her life choices should have any implications on how the rest of us women live our lives.
I know a lot of women look up to her as a role model and there is nothing wrong with that. But we need to remember that she is human just like the rest of us. She is not some sort of god whom we should worship and emulate her every move and decision.
Secondly, forgiving and taking back a philandering partner is a deeply personal decision that depends on each couple’s unique situation. We don’t know the situation surrounding Jay Z’s infidelity and we also don’t know why Beyoncé chose to forgive him.
Keeping that in mind, it is incredibly stupid to conclude that just because Beyoncé forgave Jay Z then all women should forgive their cheating partners. In addition to this, I think it is important that I point that good men don’t cheat and cheating is not harmless; period!
Just recently another high-profile celebrity couple, rapper Cardi B and her husband Offset, have been the talk of town after the two allegedly split up after Offset cheated on Cardi on multiple occasions.
A common thread that I have seen in comments on blogs talking about this troubled marriage is people urging Cardi to forgive Offset and take him back because Beyoncé forgave Jay Z.
Offset cheated on Cardi publicly and on multiple occasions with multiple women, but just because Beyoncé forgave Jay z, she should forgive offset too. Such poor reasoning! If Beyoncé can, you can too! What a load of Baloney!
I am not saying that some relationships don’t deserve a second chance. Beyoncé and Jay Z seem happy and I am really glad it worked out for them. However, like I said, their situation is not your situation.
Personally, I would never forgive a cheater regardless of the circumstances. I have always believed that cheating is not a mistake; it is a choice and once you make the choice to betray and disrespect me in this way, it is over for us.
I don’t care whether it is a one-time slip up or an ongoing affair. Fool me once shame on you. I would never give a man the opportunity to fool me twice. We need to stop taking cheating so lightly. No matter how rampant it has become these days, we should neve

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