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I smoke bhang to 'cure' my eye problem - Rastafarian speaks out (Video)


Bhang is considered the “wisdom weed” by Rastafarians, as its use helps one to gain wisdom.

Rastafarians use it as a part of a religious rite and as a means of getting closer to their inner spiritual self, Jah (God) and Creation.  ​

Rastafarianism is an African-centred religion developed in Jamaica in the 1930s, following the coronation of Haile Selassie I as King of Ethiopia in 1930.

Rastafarians consider Haile Selassie as their god and believe he will return to free members of the black community who are living in exile as a result of colonisation and slave trade.

Their religious practices includes smoking of marijuana in order to increase spiritual awareness, chanting, drumming and meditating in order to reach a state of heightened spirituality and abstaining from alcohol.


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