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Exclusive: Shaffie reveals what happened between Octopizzo and Kenneth Abom


Octopizzo has dominated the headlines this week, even taking away airplay from Dusit and its terrible aftermath
The reason for that is that he has been accused by a family in Jamhuri of having had a hand in the death of their son.
Kenneth Abom
The late Kenneth Abom
The rapper denied all the claims in an interview with KTN news. Many have wondered what really happened between Papichulo (as Octo calls himself) and Kenneth as the rapper is normally very tight-lipped.
Rapper Octopizzo
Shaffie, who is a friend of the rapper, was able to speak to him yesterday at his home in Jamhuri. The story according to what Shaffie gleaned from Octo goes like this:
Octopizzo moved to his current digs in Jamhuri, late last year (just before the 31st of 2018). The house is a mansionette that he shares with his 2 sisters, his brother and his daughter.
The deceased according to Octo lives in a flat that borders the mansionette Octo lives in. On Thursday, the artiste found the kid in his bedroom. The musician was shocked and appalled. His reaction was to headbutt him.
The rapper in white
He then according to Shaffie, decided to frog-march Abom out of his house. Octo then shared the information on the neighbourhood’s WhatsApp group on Thursday and even spoke to the family about the incident.
Kenneth Abom
The late Kenneth Abom
This information is according to Shaffie, who spoke to the rapper.
Shaffie Weru
Shaffie Weru

But the family have a different story and told different media outlets that Octo chased their son away with a panga on Thursday. On Friday, the family claims that he jumped off the 4th floor of their apartment complex.
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