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Atheists president sacked from Central Bank over these tweets

Harrison Mumia during a past interview (Twitter)

Harrison Mumia, the President of the Atheists in Kenya Society was sacked from his full time job at the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK).

Correspondence seen by Pulselive.co.ke indicates that the vocal atheist was fired over a series of political tweets posted by his handle, @harrisonmumia.

Mumia's tussle with CBK begun in May 2017 when he warned against posting political statements on Twitter, which is forbidden in the Bank's policies governing staff conduct.

"The issue of your statements has been the subject of past communication with the Bank...you were served with a Notice to Show Cause, why disciplinary action should not be taken against you.

"This was on grounds of disobedience and insubordination as was therein specified," one of the letters from CBK Director of Human Resources Terry Ng'ang'a reads in part.

Tweets on Jubilee Politicians

In February 2018 he tweeted: "I thought MP Alfred Keter was in Government. I thought yuko ndaani ndaani. Mbona anashikwa na his Government tena? As a Jubilee MP surely!!! Unless being in Government is a myth! To those who voted for Jubilee, Mko ndaani ya Government in what sense?"

Other tweets that landed him in trouble read: "I always thought that Jubilee MPS are immune to the wanton harassment by Jubilee party. The 3-day detention of MP Alfred Keter means that even within jubilee you must FUATA NYAYO or else...which means nobody is safe. Which means anyone supporting this regime is SILLY/BLIND.

"So Joshua Kuttuny is unhappy that Alfred Keter amewekwa ndani? But when Miguna is illegally deported, Kuttuny feels nothing? When David Ndii is illegally arrested, Kuttuny feels nothing? Orengo once said a bud Government eats its own people. Jubilee will fall soon!

"Can Jubilee NEC make Uhuru resign like the ANC did for Zuma? Does Jubilee have a NEC. If it happened, that would be a relief for Kenyans. Right now any change from Uhuru is better than Uhuru Any!!" the controversial tweets read.

Speaking to Pulselive.co.ke, Mumia insisted that the process that led to his termination is a witch hunt.

"I am saddened that the CBK is engaging in a vicious witch hunt targeting those who hold different political views on Social Media, which in my view is unconstitutional.

"In my view, nobody should ever be sacked for holding a political opinion on Social Media. I know of my colleagues with whom I have engaged in political debates on Social Media, who are still at the bank.

"I have engaged a lawyer who will move to Court this week under a certificate of urgency, citing freedom of expression and unlawful dismissal. I will seek damages of Sh33 million based on wrongful dismissal," he stated.

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