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Who’s Saying The Truth? Puzzle Of Pastor, Married Woman Busted In Church


A Kakamega pastor has been accused of sexually harassing a middle-aged married woman.

The incident happened at the pastor’s church in Masingo last Saturday.

The preacher, Peter Ayumba, was attacked by the woman’s husband, Wellington Matunda, when he [Matunda] allegedly found her in a compromising position with Ayumba inside the church.

According to Doreen Achieng, she had visited the pastor’s church to seek special prayers, when he allegedly sexually harassed her.

Achieng says an ailment forced her to seek divine intervention. And according to Ayumba, Achieng had been bewitched, and she, therefore, needed to be rid of the witchcraft spell.

The victim says that she was shocked to find out that the process of ridding her of the evil spirits involved sex.

“He applied oil on my private parts. I took a sheet and wrapped myself in it to the chest area. He said: ‘No, cover yourself to the face’. I did that. When I tried to remove the sheet from my face, he would tell me: ‘Cover your face because if you don’t, my angels won’t grant you your wish’. He started initiating sexual intercourse with me. I told him: ‘No, don’t do it. I fear my husband will find me here. And, if it is a must I have sex with you for the miracle to happen, then let me remain as I am.’ The resultant chaos caught the attention of other people,” Achieng told The Evening Post.

The melee saw Achieng’s husband, Wellington Matunda, allegedly descending on Ayumba with kicks and blows over claims that he was “taking sexual advantage of my wife”.

Ayumba, however, refutes those claims, saying Achieng’s husband attacked him unfairly, and was bent on injuring his reputation.

“I told him [Matunda]: ‘I have not slept with your wife, and neither was I involved with her in any way’. If your wife claims I bedded her, I am not aware. He [Matunda] told me: ‘My wife was sleeping, and she dreamt that she was having sex with you’. He, thereafter, confronted me and claimed that I was living with HIV. He asked me to go with him for an HIV test. I told him I couldn’t. That was when he began clobbering me in the company of his wife,” said Ayumba.

Kakamega Town Sub-Location assistant chief, Isaac Ayumba, confirmed the incident.
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