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Types of ladies most Kalenjin men hate


Depending on character traits, men chose to love or hate the women they interact with.
For most Kalenjin men, there is a group of ladies they do not like. This is mostly based on how they behave, communicate and associate with people.  ​
Here are types of ladies Kalenjin men do not like: 

The gossiping type 
Kalenjin men see them as poisonous and destructors. They cause family separations and serious conflict with neighbors. 
To avoid this disappointments, Kalenjin men try to avoid engaging with these ladies. 

Ladies who cannot submit to a man 
Kalenjin men enjoy being seen as the undisputed head of the house. They cannot allow women to make major decisions in a family. 
A lady that cannot humble herself before him is likely to be dumped. 

 Lazy attention seekers 
Apart from being admired, Kalenjin men are humble hence make good husbands. They rarely talk too much. Ladies who seek attention by talking a lot have no chance with them. 
Kalenjin men love ladies who work, not necessarily working tirelessly. They want a woman who will wake up early to milk, prepare children for school and perform house chores.  
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