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Leaked document shows Raila’s plans for 2022

A leaked internal document prepared by the Orange Democratic Party has laid bare its leader’s strategy for the 2022 general election.

Odinga’s party has made radical proposal to the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) which was formulated by the former Prime Minister and President Uhuru Kenyatta.
The orange party has proposed abolition of Presidential elections beginning 2022, so that the President can be elected directly by MPs.

Term of Seven Years

The party has also proposed creation of the Office of Prime Minister who would be elected by the President.
Under the proposals, the President will not be eligible for re-election but will serve for a term of seven years.
In the structure of devolution, Odinga’s team proposes creation of 14 regional units who will elect a regional premier who will oversee several counties.
The document was leaked by a local daily, prompting ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna to explain that the proposals were meant to elicit a discussion before the party can have a clear position when it goes before the BBI team.

William Kamket

The proposal made by ODM closely align with those presented by Tiaty MP William Kamket – a close ally of Baringo Senator Gideon Moi.
Kamket has presented a bill that seeks to create the Office of the Prime Minister would would be elected by the National Assembly and would have two deputies to assist him/her in running the government.
The Prime Minister would appoint a President would serve a single term of seven years.
Dagoretti North MP Simba Arati, an ally of the former Prime Minister, has in the recent past said that ODM would give President Uhuru Kenyatta the Prime Minister’s position in exchange for Odinga occupying the Presidency.
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