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How Much Nairobi Diaries Casts Earn Per Month – Shameful

Nairobi diaries has grown to be Kenya’s most loved reality TV show. The casts are lively and the producers have put on their A-game to make sure their viewers are entertained. When the show started, people thought it could not last 3 episodes. The producers however turned things around, switched some casts and we are now in their 7th season straight.

Nairobi diaries cast portray lavish lifestyles. Their lives revolve around money, designer clothes, liquor,women, men,partying etcetera. Although they try portraying the open-book character, so much about them is hidden. some of them are suffering behind closed curtains while others depend of change from men and women or vice-versa.

The cast house-shame each other on the show. They go to the extend of putting it in black and white on who owns a house and who crushes on whose couch. Naiexpose dug deep and we decided to give you Nairobi diaries cast salary 2018

Nairobi diaries airs four times a month. The casts are paid per episode which means at the end of the four episodes, one takes home something from the episodes aired on that month.

Naiexpose has learnt that each cast takes home a total of 10,000 Kenya shillings per episode aired. In total our Nairobi diaries cast Cat fight on set for a mare 40,000 Kenya shillings a month.

Plus the small allowances of food and transport, that is not even enough to finance their lives. Naiexpose is however trying to dig out if that is the actual salary for each of these casts.

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