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Details Of How Actor Jamal Gadaffi Was Killed Emerge (FULL DETAILS INSIDE)

A normal party was going down at the Arks Hotel in Mlolongo with guests enjoying drinks and food before things turned tragic.
Actor Jamal Nassul, 39, was allegedly stabbed to death by lover identified as Grace Kanamu Namulo, 40, at 6:15pm after wrangling at the party in Mlolongo, on Tuesday night.
The fight started after Mr Gadafi asked the woman why she had been dancing with and accepting drinks bought by men who attended the party she organised at Arks Hotel in Mlolongo, Machakos County.
The two, who had been in the relationship for only nine months, retreated to a nearby butchery to resolve their differences but rather than reach a solution, the disagreement turned violent.
The woman is said to have picked a kitchen knife and stabbed the 39-year-old actor, resulting in the heavy bleeding that led to his death.
Athi River divisional police commander Sharma Wario confirmed the turn of events on Wednesday.
A Mlolongo Police Station officer who requested anonymity, said
According to our investigations, the man got jealous when he saw other men buying the woman beer. This led to an argument that turned tragic as the woman picked a knife from the kitchen and stabbed him.”
Grace, the lady who allegedly stabbed Jamal Gaddafi to
The source said they received a phone call on the incident at about 2am.
They were informed that Mr Gadafi had been stabbed and was being taken to Shalom Hospital by two men.

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They are looking for the men as reports indicated that they took the body back to the crime scene after the victim was pronounced dead on arrival at Shalom.
He was pronounced dead by a doctor while still in the passenger’s seat of the suspects’ vehicle, a Toyota Axio,” the officer said.
The source claimed that after the two men abandoned the vehicle, the woman called her daughter who helped take the body to a mortuary in South C.
“We circulated the car’s number plate. It was found in South C. It had run out of fuel so it was towed back to the station and the suspect arrested. We have her in our custody,” the officer said, adding the knife was also confiscated.
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Jamal Nassor Gadaffi the slain actor
The officer said the killer lover told them that Mr Gadafi was a jealous man and showed them a thread of messages they they had sent each other.
The woman, however, denied killing Mr Gadafi and claimed he accidentally fell on the knife.
A friend of Mr Gadafi’s said the same and added that the relationship between the two had not been rosy and that they wrangled often.
The friend, who had been acting with Mr Gadafi, said he and the woman had dated for about a year.
He said the actor got separated from his wife so his family knew of the woman but did not recognise her.
“It is just a case of love gone sour. The woman was married and had grown up children but was not divorced. They had been having problems over Jamal’s lifestyle and how he related with other ladies,” the actor said.
A postmortem at Shalom revealed that the knife reached his heart.
“It was a single stabbing but it was so deep that it reached the heart of Mr Gadafi. Such kinds of stabbings cause one to die after bleeding for 10 minutes or less,” said the doctor.
The body was taken from Nairobi to Mombasa ahead of Mr Gadafi’s burial on Thursday.

May his soul rest in peace

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