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Dennis Itumbi’s special poem to Maribe as she returns to court today

Dennis Itumbi’s special poem to Maribe as she returns to court today. (Courtesy)

Digital Advisor in the office of the President Dennis Itumbi has penned down an emotional poem for Citizen TV journalist Jacque Maribe, as she returns to court today.
In the poem he wrote on Tuesday morning, Itumbi asked Ms Maribe to rebuild herself for 2019, despite all she has gone through, in the past few months.
Dennis Itumbi’s special poem to Maribe as she returns to court today. (Instagram)
So here my birthday note, At least one day this year find a very rainy mid-morning, I will come with an umbrella, So that, I can hold just one raindrop for you, place it on your bicep and watch it roll down. I ask for no more, Just a chance to watch you re-introduce yourself in 2019, With your wounds - Yes. With your visible scars - Yes. But with fresh stamina.. Undettered passion,” read part of his poem.
Itumbi went on to say he was impressed by Maribe's way of doing things whenever he thinks about how bad 2018 has been for her.
Dennis Itumbi’s special poem to Maribe as she returns to court today. (Courtesy)
Thinking how Tragic a year you had, Impressed by the Magic you have, Aware that like someone said, A challenge, only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it. Because you are, Jacque Maribe. Happy Birthday!” he wrote.
Itumbi’s Poem;

Dennis Itumbi's poem (Facebook)
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