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Why Lawyer Cliff Ombeta Has Refused to Represent Mugo Wairimu Again

Lawyer Cliff Ombeta refused to represent quack doctor Mugo wa Wairimu.

Ombeta who spoke to The Evening Post stated that he was afraid of getting backlash from women hence his decision to turn down the case.
Fearing Backlash
"I got him off the hook the first time but this time I will not be representing him," the top-notch lawyer stated.
"I fear the backlash from women and I also have a 17-year-old daughter, this is not a case I will be touching," he further added.
playMugo wa Wairimu (Twitter)

Ombeta admitted that he had been called by police after Mugo wa Wairimu refused to sign the necessary papers and he informed the officers that he was not the suspect's lawyer.
Mugo wa Wairimu was transported to the Milimani Law Courts where he is set to be arraigned over operation of illegal clinics.
Clinic Ownership
A man had come out on Facebook and claimed he was the owner of the clinic where Mugo was caught on camera injecting an unknown substance into his body.
The quack doctor was arrested on Tuesday night after more than a week on the run following an NTV investigation piece on his alleged illegal practices last week.
In 2015 Mugo was charged with sexually assaulting a sedated patient while posing as a medical doctor.
playMugo wa Wairimu (Twitter)

He was further charged with illegally administering unknown drugs, operating as a pharmacist without a license and hiring an unlicensed laboratory technician.
However, Mugo was released from prison after witnesses shied away from testifying in the case.
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