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The reasons Dennis Okari did not stand a chance the minute Joho set his eyes on Betty Kyalo,

Joho, Betty and Okari

As you have all heard by now, unless you live under a rock, Dennis Okari’s marriage to Betty Kyallo ended after she saw and fell in love with Ali Hassan Joho aka the “Sultan”.
Ali Hassan Joho
According to the Nairobian newspaper, Okari and Joho were good friends while Dennis was dating Betty. They were even planning to get married.

Betty Kyalo and Dennis Okari
When they were in love

Then Joho laid his eyes on Betty one time when the couple visited the governor in Mombasa. As they say the rest is history.
Unbeknownst to Dennis that might have been the day he lost her. And that was not all, a marriage they had not even started already floundering. And no, not even Dennis shamefully crying on their wedding day could bring Betty back to him. Puke!

Betty Kyalo and Dennis Okari
The two on vacation

One then has to ask, what is it about this man Joho that can make a level-headed and bright woman like Betty break up with Dennis?
I have some reasons that may make sense of why Betty was drawn to the governor. They are:
Joho and his money
A video surfaced last month of the Sultan driving a one of a kind Ferrari California. The car that is estimated to cost between 30-40 million shillings and is a gem from the marquee outfit.

The car shows the type of spending power the Mombasa governor has. Okari with his T.V personality money most likely cannot go toe to toe with Ali Hassan financially.

Ali Hassan Joho
The Sultan

It is also rumoured Joho bought for Betty a Porsche and an apartment while they were dating. Bought! Not rented! How can a man like Okari compete. Hawesi make!
Joho is a good-looking man who dresses lights out
Although Dennis does dress well, he doesn’t hold a candle to what the Mombasa governor brings to the table fashion-wise.

Dennis Okari
Dennis Okari putting on the make-up

Joho is an astute dresser that combines traditional Islamic and Arabic attires with “official” wear, that being the Western suits he sometimes dons.
Ali Hassan Joho
Add on to that his style is very expensive like his watches to his shoes. He does all this while never being gaudy about it.
Ali Hassan Joho
Joho is a politician with power
“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” Yes, Okari might be well-known in media circles but the Sultan is known country-wide because of his political office and might.

Dennis Okari
Dennis Okari in the newsroom

The phrase lanes has been repeated often in our modern lingo and it is apt when describing the power difference between the Sultan and Okari. One is a governor of the second most powerful county and the other, a media personality.

Ali Hassan Joho
The governor being honoured with a military parade

The math is not that hard to calculate. This was a fight of who was the better man. Joho won that hands-down. In hind-sight it wasn’t even a fight. That leads to the inevitable question? Can one even blame Betty for the choice she made?

Betty, Joho and Okari
Betty, Joho and Okari

She was a deer caught in the headlights when she met Joho, the light-bearer.

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