The face of medicine may soon change after Israeli scientists announced the search for a HIV cure may have just come to an end.
We understands Zion Medical, an Israeli biotech company has developed a drug that can wipe out 99% HIV infected cells in the human body.
The face of medicine may soon change after Israeli scientists announced the search for a HIV cure may have just come to an end.
According to the company, the drug maximizes on clearing the infected cells without harming or getting rid of the healthy ones.
So far, the best treatment for the deadly disease has been Antiretroviral (ARV) drugs which employ a suppressing technique and help curb the spread of the virus.
We understands Zion Medical an Israeli biotech company has developed a drug that can wipe out 99% HIV infected cells in the body.
Gammora, the new drug, has been said to have the potential to insert the virus’s genetic material into the DNA of the infected cell.
"These first clinical results were beyond our expectations and promise hope in finding a cure for a disease that's been discovered over 35 years," Dr Esmira Naftali opened up.
This in turn leads to what can be termed as self-destruction of the infected cells.
Clinical tests of the groundbreaking drug on humans have proved to be safe and effective.
The first phase of the revolutionary study had nine HIV positive patients who participated in the trial.
Research indicated most of the participants recorded up to a 90% decrease of the virus within the first four weeks.
The second phase was kicked up a notch and the patients were given a cocktail of the drug and antiretroviral medicine which saw the virus decrease up to 99%.