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Comedian Chipukeezy Finds New Love After Breaking Up With Fiancée (Photos)

NACADA chairman and comedian Chipukeezy has allegedly found love, just a couple of weeks after publicly ending his engagement to longtime girlfriend Vivian Mandera alias Empress Kerry.
His new love is a gorgeous woman only identified as Kibanja.
The two were in the coastal town of Mombasa for a few days. Even after vowing not to make his social life public, the funny man through his Instagram stories showed off the woman’s shoes.
The woman in question also posted an image in similar shoes as the woman in Chipukeezy’s Insta stories.
After ending things with Ms Mandera, Chipukeezy wished her well, noting that theirs was an amicable break up.
“To be honest, we agreed that whatever we wanted to do together would not work out, and it was a peaceful agreement. Tulikua tunaenda Canaan tukapata mamba,” he said.
“We moved on because there is more to life than just love and relationships. People should stop speculating things, but instead let her move on with her life. She is free to be out there and get other people,” he continued.
WhatsApp Image 2018-11-28 at 11.22.44 (1)
WhatsApp Image 2018-11-28 at 11.22.44 (2)

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-28 at 11.22.44 (3)

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