Nakuru Town West Mp Samuel Arama has been the subject of a Whats app group after forwarding content that had child pornography.
The Member of parliament in his defense said that he intended to send the content to the police and sent it to the group by mistake. He apologized but made a rejoinder that the members of the group had learnt something from the video.
“I was sending it to police but I deleted. I am sorry members but you have at least learnt something. Pole,” responded the MP.
Members of the said whats app named crossfire Nakuru Debate group would hear non of the legislators excuse and said the forwarding of the whats app video was done in bad taste.
Some of the mebers even quoted a section of the sexual offenses act 2006 that the Nakuru Town West legislator had contravened with his actions.
Here are the screenshots condemning the Arama:
The group members said that the law maker should be answerable because in other countries such actions would warrant imprisonment.
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DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely To, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.