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Top 8 Ways To Know If Your Woman Really Enjoys Having Se_X With You – CONFIRMED

You do not want to be so focused on your own pleasure and disregard hers. So, are you really that good in bed or is she hoping you get done quickly so she can go to sleep? Let’s find out by taking a look at the top 8 signs that proves she is having fun below.

1. She’s We_t: This is a no-brainer when it comes to se_xual pleasure. Just like a man gets obviously aro_used when he is ready, a woman’s main aro_usal sign is that she is we_t down there. If she does not seem “ready” prolong the fo_replay as much as you can and make sure you are hitting the right spots. She will thank you for it.

2. Quickening Breath: Another sign of aro_usal is that her breath gets quicker and more urgent, the more excited she gets. Watch for intense gaze and steadily quickening breath, then you know you’ve got her.

3. She Tightens Around You: If she seems to be getting tighter around you as you go on, this is a sign that she is enjoying what you are doing. A woman having fun gets tighter and we_tter as she feels more pleasured.

4. Holds You (or something else) Tighter: Does her grip on you seem to be getting tighter? Does she seem to be grabbing the sheets or the headboard like her life depends on it? A woman in the throes of extreme passion would have an intense urge to hold on tight.

5. Toes Curl: If you are keeping a closer eye on your partner’s reactions, you would notice that her toes curl in the moment of pleasure.

6. She Communicates: A partner who tells you what she likes during se_x (verbally or via body language) is definitely having a good time and wants more. She would not waste her time telling you what she wants if you were not doing a pretty good job in the first place.

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