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Joseph Irungu ‘Jowie’ tried to commit suicide, police sources reveal

Joseph Irungu

Citizen TV has obtained details from highly placed sources indicating that Joseph Irungu (Jowie) may have shot himself in an apparent suicide attempt inside his girlfriend’s house.

Revealing a new twist in the Monica Kimani murder investigations, sources also said the gun he may have used was discovered after a search of three houses.

Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) George Kinoti led a team of detectives on a near nightlong search at a house in Nairobi’s Buruburu estate.

The other two houses were that of Citizen TV news anchor Jackie Maribe’s house in Langata and her neigbhor’s house.

The puzzle of the gunshot wound under his shoulder has preoccupied officers for the last three days.

The owner of the gun, who police sources claim is one Brian Kassaine Spira, has also been arrested.

They further revealed that on a further search on Friday night, partially burnt clothes were discovered behind the house in Langata where the shooting occurred.

The remains of the clothing have been taken for DNA testing to see if they are the clothes Joseph Irungu was wearing during the shooting incident.

The motive of Monica Kimani’s murder which occurred in Kilimani, is yet to be established.

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