Dear men, sometimes, we just want a fling with you. We don't want all the hustles that come with being in a relationship but rather, just good strokes and that's it.
Ladies can play that game too. Dating can be too much work especially when you're not trying to catch feelings and get heartbroken. It's easier when you can just have a constant guy that comes over for sex and there's no connection beyond that whatsoever. You don't want to meet his friends, his family, do stuff together, zilch. You're there for sex and that's about it. Sometimes, we don't tell the guy because if he knows he's being used, chances are, he will do a disappearing act. I know, it's unfair, but no one said that life would be fair. Unfortunately, it is what it is. Gents, if you feel like you're being used for dick, you probably are and here are signs she just wants a fling and not a real relationship with you.
1. She gets touchy feely a lot.
Every time she meets you, she flirts and gets all touchy feely. Touching you in a suggestive manner is her way of trying to initiate that physical contact that will probably lead to kissing and next thing you know, you're in her house getting down and dirty.
2. You barely get to have deep conversations.
She avoids getting to know you beyond what's below your belt. After all, that's all she's interested in so why bother with the nitty gritties of your life?
3. She brings up sex a lot.
Like, a lot! She wants to know about our sex fantasies, what you like in bed, what you don't, your opinions on threesomes and the likes, etc.
4. She invites you to her place frequently.
Sure, she could invite you to just chill, watch a movie or something but most of the time, she will most likely be expecting sex. When we want a relationship, we rarely invite men over as we want to keep the sex out of the equation and make the guy chase a little bit so as not to kill the mystery.
5. Calls you at her convenience.
You may not hear from her for like a month and she will suddenly text you or call you randomly asking what you're up to. That probably means she's looking to quench her 'thirst'. Someone that genuinely likes you and wants a relationship will check in on you as much as they can.