Kenyans online are demanding for the arrest of a foreigner captured in a video making rounds on social media for attacking a Kenyan security guard at an estate in Nairobi.
The video obtained from a CCTV footage shows the man believed to be Russian arriving at the estate on Wednesday, October 3, 2018, just a few minutes to 5:00 pm.
The tall and frightening man steps out of his car, KBR 042H, after being asked to sign a visitors' book as required of every guest before being allowed to cross the barrier at the entrance.
It is at this point that he briefly reads through the visitor's records book and proceeds to unlock the barrier all by himself without giving any identification details to the guards manning the gate.
He disregards an explanation from the female guard and demands that he is allowed in, ending up going physical and brutalizing the male counterpart who maintained that he could not let him drive into the estate.
Kenyans.co.ke established that the man was on that day arrested and presented to Karen Police Station but was later released under unclear circumstances.
According to the Tascon Security Management, when the foreigner was asked to produce his passport, he failed to avail the document saying he "left it in the house,"
"We took him to the police on Wednesday and spoke to the Karen OCS about what had transpired. We have learned that he was later released under unclear circumstances and they are even saying he fled the country," a manager at Tascon security told Kenyans.co.ke on phone.
A number of locals and bodaboda riders who witnessed the incident that occurred at the Murero barrier in Karen, stared helplessly as the white man ran after the security guard, shoving him several times just to make sure he is let in.
Each time the brute could let open the barrier, the courageous guard closed it immediately, an incident that prolonged for some minutes causing more drama at the scene.
Kenyans online have condemned the matter calling for the arrest of the defiant and ruthless foreigner, who the security company says was visiting the daughter, a member of the Mutero residents association.
At some point, he drives away as though having given up on the visit, but returns after a few minutes, chasing all the guards from the gate as a number of school vans drive into the estate.