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86 year-old billionaire Jackson Kibor accused of stealing man’s 30-year old wife

Jackson Kibor
Veteran politician Jackson Kibor has been caught up in yet another row amid accusations of eloping with the wife of a 38-year-old man in Eldoret.

Isaac Kosgey has recorded a statement with the police in Eldoret on OB No. 56 saying the businessman took away his wife of 17 years under unclear circumstances.

Mercy Sultan, 30, has been missing for the past two weeks. She left with their two children.

Isaac Kosgei claims the veteran politicians eloped with his wife two weeks ago. /MATHEWS NDANYI

Kibor, however, denied the allegation but admitted that he knows the woman. The 86-year-old spoke to the Star on the phone when contacted for comment.

Kosgei, an Equator flower farm worker, says he has been suspecting that Kibor has been moving with his wife. "He often gave her lifts in his car."

"Kibor’s relationship with my wife started two months ago and I suspect they met at her workplace," Kosgey said.

The woman works at a shop dealing with herbal medicine where Kibor has reportedly been frequenting.

But the politician said his age could not allow him to elope with someone’s wife further affirming that he did not know of Mercy's whereabouts.

"Yes, I know her and I once gave a lift just like any other friends whom I know," he said. Kibor who has four wives.

"I am a family man who cannot move with someone's wife. Let Kosgei stop tarnishing my name as I even don’t know him in the first place."

Also read: Kibor seeks to divorce third wife, cites mental and physical torture

"He should stop making such claims. Let him search for his wife and children," the politician added.

Kibor said that it was raining heavily on the day he offered Kosgey’s wife a lift. "She was in the company of other people. I had no other motive."

Kosgey says his wife, days before her disappearance, had refused to be dropped at her workplace using their motorcycle as usual.

"I have been routinely dropping my wife to her workplace every morning and picking her up in the evening with my motorbike before she told me my services were no longer needed."

He now wants Kibor to keep the woman but return to him his 12 and 6-year-old girls.

"The children have been missing school for some time and I need them back," the jilted man said.

He regretted that his children did not sit the end of term examinations, hence, may not advance to the next class.

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