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Dennis Itumbi's tweet minutes after Jacque Maribe was sent to Langata Women’s Prison

Dennis Itumbi's tweet minutes after Jacque Maribe was sent to Langata Women’s Prison

Director of Digital, Innovations and Diaspora Communications in the office of the President Dennis Itumbi has sent a message to TV journalist Jacque Maribe, minutes after she was sent to Lang’ata Women’s Prison.

In a tweet, Itumbi assured the TV journalist of his friendship and that she would always be in his prayers.
He expressed optimism that Maribe would find the justice she deserved.
playDennis Itumbi's tweet minutes after Jacque Maribe was sent to Langata Women’s Prison (Courtesy)

Jacqueline Maribe, you remain in my prayers. May Justice, like many waters be done. May Monica & her family find the answers they deserve & those responsible be punished as per by law established. But may you find Justice, that you equally deserve. You got my hand of friendship,” said Dennis Itumbi.


His words come minutes after Justice Jessie Lesiit ordered that Ms. Maribe and her fiancĂ© Joe Irungu be remanded at Lang’ata Women’s Prison and Industrial Area Remand Prison respectively.
playJacque Maribe with her fiance Joe Irungu when they appeared at Milimani High Court (Courtesy)

Justice Lesiit further directed that Maribe undergoes a mental checkup at Mathare Mental hospital before they both take murder charge pleas on Monday next week.

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