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State House Director Of Digital Surprise Appearance In Court To Support Jacque Maribe

State House Director of digital messaging Dennis Itumbi on Monday made a surprise appearance at the Milimani High Court to show solidarity with his friend - journalist Jacque Maribe who is facing murder charges.

Itumbi became the first high-profile associate of Maribe to stand with her in court where she was charged alongside her fiance Joseph 'Jowie' Irungu.

Ahead of the judge's arrival, Itumbi walked to the dock and had a lengthy talk with his besieged friend, he extended a simple handshake to Irungu who is Maribe's co-accused.
The State House operative, rumoured to have had a romantic relationship with Maribe has in the past week posted statements supportive of the besieged journalist.

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Also in court for Maribe's trial was gospel singer Kambua.

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