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Amejam yake yote! Jacque Maribe loses her cool with journalist (VIDEO)

One would think that with all the problems ailing her, Jacque Maribe has way too much on her plate to be bothered by all the journalists who naturally flocked her hearing and swarmed the docks to get better footage of her but that one would be wrong.

It should be something like a man being bothered by flies as he faces a situation that will determine whether or not he will live. The flies become a non-factor. But Jacque was miffed enough to not only notice the
flies journalists but to demand that they are moved. Check out footage of all that as it transpired in Milimani Law Courts where she was hearing the mentioning of her case as the DPP indicated that the state would seek prosecution charges against her for involvement in the murder of Monica Kimani whom her erstwhile fiance (Joe Irungu) is accused of slaying in a most horrendous fashion.
Check out that video below:

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