An Elgeyo Marakwet court has been sentenced a 42-year-old man to three years in jail for causing grievous bodily harm to an elderly woman.
The court heard that on January 14, 2018 in Mon Location, Marakwet Sub-County, Thomas Kimutai Kisang attacked Mary Saniak using a ‘panga’ and cut her in the neck and buttocks.
The attack stemmed from a disagreement between Kimutai and Saniak after Saniak’s helper, identified as Paul, brought down a tree, which fell on Kimutai’s banana plantation.
Appearing before Senior Resident Magistrate Hezron Nyaberi, Kimutai pleaded guilty to assaulting Saniak, but asked for forgiveness, saying he was his family’s bread-winner.
He was, nonetheless, ordered to serve a three-year prison sentence.
Kimutai has 14 days to appeal the judgement.
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