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How Jowie Tried to Hide Evidence of Monica’s Murder

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Detectives have discovered that Jowie Irungu tried to hide and destroy evidence linking him to the gruesome murder of Monica Kimani.

Jowie drove from Monica's apartment off Dennis Pritt Road to Langata, wearing a 'kanzu' that had blood stains, where he took a shower.

He then picked a matchbox and paraffin, walked out of the house to a far corner within the compound and burnt a bundle of items including clothes that he had.

This account was collaborated by Maribe’s house help.

Police collected a piece of Kanzu that did not burn completely; they also collected ashes from the scene for further analysis.

It has also emerged after the gruesome murder, the killer or killers dumped Monicah’s mobile phones into a pool of water in a jerrycan in her house.

The mobile phones have been recovered and are being analysed as part of the probe into the issue.

Police also believe that Jowie was attempting suicide when he shot himself on the chest.

He then took the weapon to one of their neighbours identified as Brian Kasaine Spira for “safe keeping”.

Kasaine was later arrested after police recovered the pistol with 50 bullets from his house.

The search also led to police recovering Irungu’s passport, a cap he was wearing the night Monicah was murdered and other key evidence in the incident.

Police are still combing several residential houses where he has lived, among them a house in Buru Buru where he lived with three other men.

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