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“Hii kesi haiendi mahali!” Jacque Maribes fiance Irungu haughtily bragged to the cops

Joe Irungu

Jacque Maribe is probably in the most precarious position in her career and most likely her whole life.
The Citizen TV presenter is in this situation because her fiance Joe Irungu is the prime suspect in the murder of Monica Kimani.
Jacque Maribe and Joe Irungu
Jacque with her fiance
Monica was murdered last week in grisly fashion in her Kilimani apartment.
Her lifeless body was found in the bathtub of her bathroom by her brother. Her throat had been slit and her hands were tied behind her back.
Monica Kimani
The late Monica Kimani
Police went into overdrive to find the person/people who could have done this gruesome deed. Their investigations led to Joe”Jowie” Irungu, Jacque Maribe’s fiance.
Jacque Maribe and Joe Irungu
Partners in ………
According to the Nairobian, when Joe was arrested he was so confident about his position, he even bragged to the police that:
How can that be? Considering that the police believe that Irungu was the last person to see Monica alive.
Also, Joe can be placed at the scene of the crime because guards at the premises say Joe presented a fake ID when he drove into her apartment.
Joe Irungu
Police believe that after Irungu left Monica’s apartment, he switched off his phone. Police later found a bullet from a Ceska pistol when they searched Irung’u’s house in Langa’ta Nairobi.
The bullet was taken as an exhibit.
Joe Irungu with the bullet wound
Even though Irungu claims that he was shot by an armed assailant on the night of the murder, the police don’t believe him as they say no one in their right mind would ever post selfies of the bullet wound on social media.

With all the doubts the cops have about his story, one must wonder where all his confidence must come from?

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